Bariatric Surgery in Turkey is a great solution for people who struggle with weight loss for many years. Hours of exercise and long-term diets are not enough in the weight loss process. Surgery TR, with its contracted doctors and internationally accredited hospitals in Turkey, offers an effective and permanent treatment method by displaying a first-class service concept in the weight loss process.

What is Bariatric Surgery in Turkey?

Bariatric Surgery in Turkey, or bariatric surgery as it is medically called, is a surgical operation for people who want to experience extreme weight loss. In this operation, some changes are made in the digestive system of the person and as a result, extreme weight loss is experienced. With Surgery TR, the average duration of weight loss surgery in Turkey is 2 hours. The recovery period in this operation, which is mostly performed under general anesthesia, covers approximately 1 month. With the technique used, there is no possibility of a visible scar after the Bariatric procedure.

Bariatric surgery consists of several different types. These types are determined in line with the patient’s needs and health data, accompanied by the expert health team of Surgery TR. However, weight loss surgeries are performed with the laparoscopic surgery technique. The most common weight loss practices in Turkey include gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy operations.

Types of Bariatric Surgeries in Turkey

Weight loss surgery in Turkey with SurgeryTR reduces the size of the stomach, helping to feel full even in small portions. However, in some procedures, a small intestinal tract is created for the body to absorb calories so that the patient receives low calories. Thus, the production of ghrelin, that is, the hunger hormone, decreases in the patient and the person begins to lose weight quickly.

Gastric Sleeve (Tube Stomach)

One of the most preferred procedures within the scope of weight loss surgery in Turkey is the sleeve gastrectomy operation. In this application, a part of the stomach is removed and the patient is prevented from needing to eat too much. Patients who have undergone gastric sleeve surgery can use only 30% of their stomachs after the operation. In this way, it will be possible to get full quickly while eating. This surgery encompasses a simple yet effective procedure for patients suffering from obesity. Patients who want to have sleeve gastrectomy surgery in Turkey with SurgeryTR have their operational procedures performed under laparoscopic surgery. This is an important factor that makes the healing process take a much shorter time.

Gastric Bypass

In the gastric bypass method, the upper part of the stomach is connected to the small intestine. The main purpose of this operation; is to reduce the amount of absorption by shrinking the stomach. Gastric bypass can be performed by open surgery or laparoscopy method at the request of the doctor and the patient, depending on the case.

During surgery, surgeons create a small pouch in the upper part of the stomach and connect this incision to the small intestine. People who have had gastric bypass in Turkey have the chance to feel full quickly and get fewer calories from their food while eating.

Who is a Good Candidate for Bariatric Surgery?

The eligibility status of SurgeryTR’s contracted specialists and people who want to have stomach surgery in internationally accredited hospitals can be determined as follows:

  • • Your body mass index (BMI) is equal to or greater than 35,
  • • If you have high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes problems,
  • • If you cannot lose weight despite exercise and diet programs,
  • • If no health problem in your medical history would prevent you from undergoing surgery,
  • • If you believe that you will follow the post-operative care and nutrition instructions,
• You are ready to have weight loss surgery in Turkey.

Advantages of Bariatric Surgery in Turkey

There are lots of advantages if you are considering this operation, not only it will help to improve your self-confidence but also it will increase your. At the end of this operation you will have a more beautiful body than before. Also, you can travel around the historical places of the city. Some of the advantages of having this surgery are;

  • • After the operation, you will lose 40% or more of your weight,
  • • You can travel around the city, 
  • • Not only the historical places, but also the foods are amazing. You will be amazed by the dishes of traditional Turkish cuisine,
  • • Turkey is much more affordable than other countries including the USA, UK and Spain. 
  • • Our expert surgeons will have this operation in our high-quality and last technology hospital

Things To Consider Before Bariatric Surgery in Turkey

If you are considering having any kind of weight loss surgery, and if you do not want to waste any more time now is the best time to consult us, we are ready to help you with our expert surgeons, high-quality treatments in the top leading hospitals in Turkey. But before having the operation you have to consider some factors before coming to Turkey for weight loss, these are; 

  • • You have to stop smoking for 2 or 3 weeks before coming to the Turkey for the operation,
  • • You can bring someone with you to escort you in the operation,
  • • You should be 100 pound or over,
  • • If you cannot lose weight with sports, exercises or with diet you can have this surgery.

Body Mass Index (BMI)

The value of the height to weight ratio creates the Body Mass Index. However, the BMI rate does not include children and pregnant women. People with a Body Mass Index of 35 and above are among the suitable candidates to have weight loss surgery in Turkey. BMI can be calculated with a simple formula:

  • BMI= Weight (kg) / Height (m)²
To find out if the Body Mass Index is at a healthy value, you can refer to the table below:

BMI Value

18.5 and below weak
18.5 – 24.9 Healthy
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 39.9 Obese
40 and over Morbidly obese

Cost of Bariatric Surgery with Surgery TR in Turkey

Patients who have bariatric surgery in Turkey with SurgeryTR become partners in a full-fledged process with All-Inclusive Packages. In All-Inclusive Medical Packages; operation fees, a large team that speaks a foreign language, personal nutrition plan, transfer and accommodation services. However, the average cost of weight loss surgeries in Europe; While it is between 10.000 € and 20.000 €; In Turkey, this cost is approximately 60% less. The reason for this price difference is the low labor costs in Turkey and the difference in the exchange rate.


Operation takes 1 to 3 hours
It can be performed under local anesthesia
General side effects are bruising, swelling, bleeding, infection and dry eyes
Recovery completes in 7 to 10 days
Results usually last from 10 to 20 years


Arrival Day 
Meeting with transfer at the airport and transfer to the hotel. Day 1 Meeting with the patient host at the hotel and transfer to the hospital for the operation. Day 2 Doctor visits and check-out from the hospital and transfer to the hotel Day 5 Check-out from the hotel and transfer to the airport.

Post Operative Instructions

After eye surgery, there are some guidelines you should follow. Please read the following carefully to learn what to expect before, during, and after the surgery.
  • • You should go for regular check-ups within the first 24 to 48 hours after the surgery.
  • • After the operation, your doctor may give you eye drops to prevent infection. You should use it regularly following the required instructions.
  • • You should not wear contact lenses in the operated eye, even if your vision is blurred.
  • • It may take up to 1 month for your vision to stabilize after surgery.
  • • You should not touch your eyes in any way for 1 week after the operation.
  • • For your safety, you should sleep with an eye shield for the first few nights after the surgery.
  • • You should not use any make-up materials and lotions that may come into contact with the eye area for at least 2 weeks.
  • • You should stay away from wet/humid and crowded areas such as the sea, pool, sauna and bath for at least 1 month to avoid any kind of infection.
  • • You should avoid heavy, tiring and high-impact activities and exercises for several weeks.
  • • You should go to all the control appointments on time and continue the process consciously.


It is forbidden to apply make-up, cream, and lotion to your face on the day of Lasek eye surgery. In addition, existing piercings must be removed.

You can return to your routine life about one week after laser eye surgery.

It is laser eye surgery; It is possible to use cosmetic contact lenses after a few months.

Having laser eye surgery in Turkey with SurgeryTR is almost 50% more cost-effective than in England, America, and European countries.

Yes, laser eye surgery can fix astigmatism.

No, laser eye surgeries are not painful, since you will be given numbing eye drops before the surgery.

Yes, Laser Eye Surgery lasts forever. LASIK permanently reshapes eye shape, however it will not protect you from the effects of old age, such as reading glasses and cataracts. 

Generally, the recovery period is 24-48 hours for most people. Some people may experience mild discomfort and blurred vision for up to a week after the surgery.

LASIK can correct nearsightedness(myopia), farsightedness(hyperopia), and astigmatism.

People with certain medical conditions such as autoimmune diseases, diabetes, and certain eye conditions like glaucoma and cataracts are not suitable candidates for a LASIK surgery. Additionally, pregnant or nursing women should not have LASIK surgery.

Recommended eyesight for LASIK is -11.00 for nearsightedness, +5 for farsightedness and +5 astigmatism.

General anesthesia is not applied during Laser Eye Surgery.

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