Things You Should Know Before Breast Implant Operation

Things You Should Know Before Breast Implant Operation

Breast implant, which is also known as breast enlargement (breast augmentation), is a surgical operation that changes the size of the breasts. Breast implant surgery is generally preferred by people who are not satisfied with the shape or size of their breasts. Getting an implant does not mean you will have an unnatural look, it

Advantages of Having Hair Transplant Done in Turkey 

Advantages of Having Hair Transplant Done in Turkey 

It may be seen much more advantageous to have your hair transplant done in Turkey when compared to other countries. Turkey is one of the most preferred destinations for hair transplantation not just because of its affordability, but also because of its high-quality hair transplant procedure. Doctors assess your hair and tell you the most

Blake Lively: Eyelid and Nose Job Surgery

Blake Lively: Eyelid and Nose Job Surgery

Blake Lively, star of the Gossip Girl, gained fame in that days and now she is one of the most beautiful women in the world. This young beautiful lady, now in her thirties, has a quite different look than the Gossip Girl times. It is more visible to see the differences if we compare her

The Best Time for Tummy Tuck

The Best Time for Tummy Tuck

People, who desire to have a flat tummy and fit look, are interested in Tummy Tuck operation. A tummy tuck in Turkey aims to enhance the look of the stomach by repairing and making the abdominal muscles tight, and getting rid of saggy skin and excess fat. The tummy tuck surgery is performed under a

There Is No Age Limit For a Lipotransfer

There Is No Age Limit For a Lipotransfer

People mostly complain about body fat these days. Liposuction and lipotransfer are two techniques that are extremely popular and it helps patients to improve and shape their bodies. What is Lipotransfer? Lipotransfer is known as fat transfer. The procedure consists of the removal of fat from one part of the body and transferring it into

Dental Implants vs Dental Crowns: Which Are You Suitable For?

Dental Implants vs Dental Crowns: Which Are You Suitable For?

A beautiful smile changes all perceptions, and It is the first step of a good first impression. People who are aware of this try to create beautiful teeth to make a good impression by repairing damaged, discolored teeth. Dental treatments include teeth whitening, porcelain veneers (Hollywood Smile), tooth implants, and tooth crowns. According to your

Is Getting Surgery in Turkey Safe?

Is Getting Surgery in Turkey Safe?

Getting surgery done abroad seems to be a great choice for many people nowadays. Because of the low cost of getting work done in many other countries, people decide on going to another country to get surgery, usually plastic surgery, as it is cheaper than in their home countries. Turkey is one of the biggest

Which Country is Best for Bariatric Surgery?

Which Country is Best for Bariatric Surgery?

Weight Loss Surgery, it is also called Bariatric Surgery is an operation that aims to get rid of excess weight in a healthy way. It modifies the digestive system and helps you to lose weight while feeling full after a meal. There are different types of weight loss surgeries: Gastric Sleeve which is performed through

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