Silicone vs Saline Breast Implants
Breasts is considered an important element of a woman’s appearance and confidence. About 2 million women around the world have breast implants to change the size and symmetry of their breasts each year. Breast enlargement, breast implant, or breast augmentation surgery; is a surgical operation to change the size, shape, and form of the breasts. During surgery, implants, fat, or fillers are used to obtain a more proportional breast shape in patients with small breasts that are not proportional to breast size. Implants consist of 2 types, named silicone implants, and saline implants. You can choose either of them to enlarge your breasts. In order to clear your mind, we will describe these two types of implants which we hope will help you decide.

Which Implant Type Should I Choose?
Both types of implants have a distinct feel to them when they are inserted. Silicone breast implants have been made to feel more like the actual natural breast, therefore; they feel soft when you touch them. Saline implants, on the other hand, are generally firmer, however; in case of a rupture, the saline solution can be safely absorbed by the body, without causing harm to the patient. So, you can freely decide on the type of implant you want, consulting your surgeon who can help you choose the best type that will suit you the most.
How Do Silicone and Saline Breast Implants Look?
How Are Silicone and Saline Breast Implants Placed into the Body?

Do Implants Rupture?
What is the Price of Breast Implants?